A bit farther from Sofia but certainly worth the trip – Northeastern Bulgaria. You wouldn’t normally visit all the way from Sofia but actually, the few hundred kilometres are easy to do in chunks. There’s so much to see on the way there that the distance should be no problem at all. The region is unique, just as all others in Bulgaria – yet it feels different. The Northeast has mountains, wide fields and obviously the seaside and Danube river. You have many options – no matter if you like ancient monuments, or you want to see the former Bulgarian capitals, or to go bird watching near the Danube. The choice is yours, let’s begin to outline a few places you can visit on your way to the Northeast.
You’ll start from Sofia, where we’ll have your rental car ready to go. The main roads in Bulgaria are of a good quality and you’ll have no problems driving if you keep the rules that apply in all European countries in mind. Sofia is an excellent place to rent a car – we at Savoy will arrange your insurance and provide you a rental car with unlimited mileage. In addition, we can even help you prepare an itinerary!
Zheravna | Veliki Preslav | Pliska |
Take the Trakiya highway out of Sofia, the direction of Plovdiv. You’ll have an hour or two before you get to Stara Zagora, where you can make a quick stop. Actually, it’s a pretty nice place to spend the night as well. The center is modern and with wide streets and pavements, it’s the perfect place to walk around on a sunny day. Do check out the Defenders of Stara Zagora Memorial Complex, just east of the city center. The complex remembers us of the 14.000 people that lost their lives during the Russian-Turkish Liberation War. Certainly an impressive place to be. If you climb up the stairs, you get a wide view over the city. In the northwest of the city you see some forests, where you’ll also find the Bedechka Park. A good place to spend the night is the Park Hotel Stara Zagora (http://hotelstarazagora.eu/en/hotel/).
Apart from Stara Zagora, you could surely spend the night in Plovdiv, Bulgaria’s second largest city. It’s one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe. The originally Thracian settlement was inhabited by Persians, Greeks, Celts, Romans, Goths, Huns, Bulgarians, Slav-Vikings, Crusaders and Turks. Nowadays, it’s an important economic and cultural center for the country with a fantastic old town to walk around.
No matter where you spent the night – hop in your rental car and continue your trip to the Northeast. Interesting for you to visit might be the city of Sliven, with a pleasant, pedestrianized center. There’s some good local restaurants and plenty of places to have a coffee. Then, you can visit the Sinite Kamani, the Blue Stones. These are just north of Sliven – you’ll spot them from far away. The place is once more linked to a long history and the occupation by the Ottomans. Many freedom fighters – so called ‘haidouks’ - hid in this area because of the many caves. There’s a chairlift you can use – likewise there are trails leading up into the mountains.
Then after Sliven, continue your trip to the village Zheravna. It’s famous all over Bulgaria for the over 200 examples of wooden architecture. These were built during the National Revival Period. Even though it might look like you’re far into a remote area if you look at pictures, the village is actually very easily accessible. Several of the houses have been turned into hotels and outside the high season, you should have no problems finding a place to stay. It does get very cold in winter – the best time to visit is spring to autumn. The place is excellent to have a walk through the surrounding hills and then get back to your guesthouse for a home-made meal with some locally brewed ‘rakia’, fruit brandy.
Get back on the road and continue northeast, it’s not far to your next destination. It’s Veliki Preslav, the second capital of the First Bulgarian Empire. You see the remains of what was once a three square kilometre large city. Veliki Preslav was the Bulgarian capital from 893 to 972. Not too far away, only 45 kilometres, is the first Bulgarian capital. It’s Pliska, which was the capital from between 681 and 893. Again a fantastic place where you can imagine what a lively place it once was.
Right inbetween Veliki Preslav and Pliska you find the city of Shumen – again an excellent place to spend the night. There are plenty of hotels and guesthouses. The city’s history started at the Shumen Plateau, a natural park right north of the city. At that point there was a large fortress, of which you can still see the remains today. The fortress was destroyed by the Ottomans and the local people rebuilt a city in the fields, this is where we find the modern-day city. Shumen grew to become an important commercial center because of its convenient location in the Northeast. The city’s icon is the Monument to 1300 Years of Bulgaria. Again a communist monument, and a very impressive one. It’s well maintained, as opposed to many other similar monuments in the country. You could take the many stairs leading up from downtown, but best is to come by car. The mosaics leading high up into the concrete make this a very intriguing monument to watch. The view over the wide area is stunning. Interesting to know – this is the heaviest communist monument in the world!
Shumen | Madara | Ovech Fortress |
You wouldn’t expect it but the Shumen Plateau, on which both the fortress and the communist monument are located, is quite wild. There even are some inaccessible areas – yet most of the plateau can be reached on foot or by bike. The highest point is 502 metres above sea level. 90% of the are is dense forest. Not surprisingly for Bulgaria, the area is home to many caves. Only a few of the ones on the plateau can be visited. At the place you park your car, right next to the communist monument, is a tourist information center. The employees will happily let you know where you can best walk to see some more of the unique area.
There’s far more to see in the Northeast, so get back to your rental car and leave Shumen from the eastern part. Most interestingly, there’s the Madara Horeman carved into the rocks about 25 kilometres east of Shumen. The Horseman is an incredible sight. Cut into the rocks, way too high to reach. It makes you wonder how it was even possible to make. The era people live in says nothing about the people’s abilities. Humankind truly made some astonishing things and this sight is one of them. If you look closely, you’ll see a lion near the horse. The landmark is on the UNESCO List of World Heritage since 1979. Continue your walk to see some more. Get down one flight of stairs and go to your left. There’s some truly spectacular cliffs and caves to be seen around, before you get back on the road.
After that, You can visit Ovech fortress, which is towered high above the town of Provadia. Again a special place to be – the rolling hills around you and the town far down make you feel like you were somewhere in central France. This area is quite unknown by tourists and you’ll feel as an explorer. The history and beauty of the place, however, makes you think why it isn’t visited more often by tourists.
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Sea Garden, Varna | Targovishte |
Should you want to see more on this trip – why not include the seaside in your itinerary! Hit the road east and get to Varna, about 57 kilometres driving. Varna is Bulgaria’s third city, with about 360.000 inhabitants. Like most Bulgarian cities, it has a history that dates way back. Odessos, Varna’s old name, is one of the country's oldest settlements - established around 550 BC. Right at the city entrance, you find the Pobiti Kamani. The name means 'The rocks which got hit'. They are ancient rocks randomly standing in awide field – it is a very interesting sight to see. Like you’re on another planet! Now that you’re in Varna, make sure to check out the center and especially the Sea Garden. There’s types of plants and trees from all over the world and the park is always full with people relaxing and enjoying themselves. In fact, you haven’t seen Varna if you leave out the Sea Garden from your program.
Then, 15 kilometres northeast of Varna, is Aladzha monastery. Do stop by – this cave monastery is one of the most popular places to see on the Black Sea coast. The Christian name of the Monastery is unknown. The name “aladzha” (alaca) has a Persian – Arabian origin meaning “bright”. Again, the history of the place will overwhelm all history enthusiasts. The Black Sea coast itself is a good place to explore – you have the Botanical Gardens near Balchik as well as the Balchik Palace complex. A completely different scenery compared to the rest of the country – you’ll feel as in a part of paradise.
You may visit a seaside resort such as Albena, which is excellent for families, or Krapets which is more focused on individual travelers. Either way, hotels and guesthouses are lined all over the coast and outside the high season, you just need to show up and you’ll have yourself a room. On your way back to Sofia, there’s many possible itineraries you could make. Go south and visit Burgas, Bulgaria’s fourth city, or go northwest to Dobrich and Silistra. Then, watch the many migratory birds in the Srebarna national reserve, visit Targovishte and possibly even Troyan with its famous monastery. Literally, the possibilities are endless. Bulgaria awaits you to come explore!
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by Leon de Leeuw |
Read more fantastic stories about Bulgaria: https://www.leondeleeuw.net/travel-bulgaria
Savoy Rent a Car е една от водещите компании в България, предлагащи услугата "Автомобили под наем". Вече 14 години фирмата предлага на своите клиенти: нови автомобили на ниски цени от всички класове преференциални цени за дългосрочен наем и оперативен лизинг безплатна доставка до летище София и адрес в София доставка на автомобилите до всяка точка на България трансфери с квалифицирани шофьори www.savoyrent.com предлага бърз и лесен начин за онлайн резервация, както и няколко начина на плащане. Независимо от целта на вашето пътуване ние ще осигурим автомобил отговарящ на вашите желания. Savoy Rent a Car Ви предлага и допълнителни отстъпки за лоялни клиенти, както различни партньорски програми: Ако предлагате услуги в сферата на туризма и пътуванията, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши партньори - хотели, туристически агенции и др. получават комисион за всеки предоставен клиент. Като част от програмата можете да предоставите и банер, който да присъства в нашия уебсайт. Ако сте фирма, и често се нуждаете от автомобили под наем, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши корпоративни клиенти получават допълнителни отстъпки и бонуси при наем на автомобил от нас. Ако пътувате често и се нуждаете от автомобили под наем, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши редовни клиенти получават карта за отстъпка, която могат да използват всеки път, когато наемат автомобил под наем от нас. Ако се нуждаете от кола под наем за дългосрочно ползване, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Savoy Rent a Car разполага с голямо разнообразие на автомобили, които може да наемете за голям период от време. При дългосрочни наеми може да се възползвате от нашите преференциални цени.
виж ощеАко ви се налага да вземете автомобил под наем, то в следващите няколко реда, ще ви дадем някой полезни съвети при неговия избор. На първо място, изберете автомобил, който да покрива вашите нужни. Не винаги, най-малкия автомобил, би бил най удачен за вас. Преценете броят на хората, багажа и разстоянието на което ще пътувате! По този начин ще избегнете неприятни моменти свързани с малкия размер на ползвания под наем автомобил. Второ – преценете какво допълнително оборудване би ви било необходимо. Може да се нуждаете от GPS, допълнителен багажник или детско столче. Заявете ги в самото начало, за да знаете колкото точно би ви струвал наема с тях. Трето – искайте крайна цена. Доста често, с чисто маркетингова цел, в обявената цена не са включени допълнителни такси, като такса амортизация, над определени километри. Така за обработка на документите, вземане или оставяне на колата, както и други подобни. Четвърто, проверете състоянието на гумите на колата, броните и стъклата. Тъй като доста често, компаниите за автомобили под наем, имат допълнителни такси при подобни проблеми, то най-добре е преди наемане на автомобила, да проверите дали всички те са в изправност. Проверете състоянието на гумите – дали грайфера е добър, дали нямат повреди по страничния борд, като ожулвания или издутини. Проверете дали по прозорците няма удари от малки камъчета, които в последствие може да се превърнат в процепи. Щетите по прозорците, се поемат от застрахователите, но е възможно да ви създадат проблеми при пътуването. Връщане на автомобила взет под наем – проверете какви са условията за връщане на автомобила. В какъв час трябва да го върнете. Има ли някаква специфика при връщането. Както и задължително проверете дали трябва да върнете автомобила с пълен резервоар! Някой компании имат допълнителна такса, ако не сте върнали автомобила зареден с гориво! Договор – необходимо е да прочетете внимателно всяка точка от договора! Запазете копие от него във вас, дори и след като сте върнали автомобила! Глоби – с подписването на договор за наем на автомобил, вие се ангажирате да заплатите всички глоби, наложени ви от КАТ и/или друг орган. Тъй като е възможно, известието за глоба да бъде изпратено до 2 месеца след нарушението, не се учудвайте, ако получите обаждане от компанията за автомобили под наем, с искане да заплатите задълженията си! След като направите резервация, запазете емайл-а с потвърждение! При проблеми с компанията, той може да ви послужи за предявяване на претенции! И не на последно място – управлявайте наетия автомобил внимателно! Освен, че това ще ви помогне да наемате в последствие, автомобили в добро състояние, ще ви предпази и от глоби и нежелани разходи!
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