Welcome to Bulgaria. Where you have an endless amount of places to see on a small surface. Where the climate is fantastic and allows for year-round tourism. You can make trips through the whole country and be surprised by something unexpected and pretty every moment of your stay.
It might seem like you have to make a long round trip to make the best of your visit to Bulgaria. And making such a trip with your rental car is certainly worth it! However, it’s not necessary to go from hotel to hotel. There’s enough to see around Sofia to entertain you. For a trip as long as you wish. There’s so much to see around the capital, that you can stay there and make day trips. It’s just as fulfilling and will leave you with good memories. It is recommended that you use a rental car service, however. Public transport is relatively reliable but with a rental car you are considerably more flexible to do as you please.
We will have your rental car, including insurance, ready in Sofia. You can choose one of the many hotels in our capital. In the wide array of accommodation, there will definitely be something that suits your needs. Most hotels have a place to park your car, so you can make your day trips and return in the evenings. Then, you can enjoy the many good restaurants of Sofia and the nightlife of this cool city! You might feel more comfortable and relaxed if you keep one and the same hotel during your stay and make day trips from where you are. No need to carry around your luggage, you take a daypack knowing you’ll be back at night. So, pick up your rental car from our office, and you’re ready for your first day trip!
Vitosha Mountain |
Day 1
As you most likely already saw from the airplane, Sofia has a huge mountain right next to the city. In fact, there’s houses built against the slopes. This mountain is called Vitosha, with 2.290 metres quite a tall mountain to be right next to a metropolis. It’s a popular destination for local people as well as tourists. To get a breath of fresh air, to go hike or to practice winter sports. The mountain offers all kinds of ways to relax or get active during your trip. You could take the cable car up or drive towards the mountain hut ‘Aleko’, from where you can make excellent hikes. On the way, you will pass the Kopitoto tower. This TV tower itself is not accessible for the public but you can stay outside and enjoy the wide view over Sofia. During the day, it’s an excellent place for a picnic. At night, you will surely have the best view over the many lights of the busy Bulgarian capital. It’s a good place to celebrate New Year’s as well, if this is the time you visit. Just imagine looking at the fireworks you get to see! The place is best reached by car. There is a cable car but it’s not working since a long time – hiking there is too far from the city.
If you come during the winter season, we will make sure your car is equipped with winter tyres so you can drive to the resorts safely and enjoy your winter activities! Apart from the slopes on Vitosha mountain, Bulgaria has several more and even better slopes for some action in the snow. Drive to Borovets, just under 70 kilometres from the capital. You could make a day trip – just as many locals do. Alternatively, you could surely spend the night there. Then there’s Bansko, however it might be a bit too far for just a day if you plan to spend many hours outside practicing sports. Visiting Vitosha mountain or Borovets is a wiser decision if you’d just like to spend a day.
Day 2
If you come through any other season than winter, it will be interesting for you to see the Iskar gorge north of Sofia. The river, that was once far wider and mightier than it is now, carved many interesting shapes into the rocks. After many thousands of years of erosion, you can now admire the rock formations and tall cliffs that reach north of Sofia for over a hundred kilometres. A unique and scenic drive. Each village on the way will have something interesting to offer you, such as the Batulia monastery off the main road in Rebrovo, the little town Svoge with the Soleil restaurant (http://soleilbg.com/) or the wide views from the village Zhelen. Then, there’s two waterfalls in the villages Bov and Gara Bov. The ‘Vazova ekopateka’, in Gara Bov, will surely be a good option if you enjoy a hike uphill. Not too difficult and totally worth the climb. You’ll be rewarded with a wide view on the Skaklya waterfall. Keep in mind that it tends to dry up in high season, best is to come in early spring. Continue to Lakatnik and see the arguably most beautiful cliffs in the country. Visit one of the mountain huts that are up in the hills, to enjoy a strong cup of herbal tea. These mountain huts, called ‘hizha’ or plural ‘hizhi’, are spread all over the country. The ones you can visit on this day trip are Hizha Trestenaya or Hizha Gubislav.
Iskar gorge | Vazova Ekopateka | Lakatnik |
Day 3
Drive northwest towards the small town of Godech, where you can have a coffee and visit the small river front with the many plants and flowers in springtime. Then, continue towards the waterfall Kotlite, which is at its best in spring. Late in summer, unfortunately, the waterfall is dry. Make sure to stop by at the Bukorovski monastery. You could walk downhill and visit Razboishte monastery, where you find a chapel inside the rocks and an interesting monastery complex of hundreds of years old. It’s situated along the Nishava river. Then, walk on towards Sveta Petka monastery. This place was abandoned but is now inhabited by a couple from Sofia, that is truly happy at this serene place.
Now let’s get back to your rental car. There’s even more to see on the road! Head north towards Berkovitsa. You’ll drive the Petrohan mountain pass, through the dense forests of Western Bulgaria. You’ll approach Berkovitsa and can turn right on the way to Varshets. Then, after just a few kilometres, turn right again towards the Klisurski monastery. At that junction, you find Complex Stalin, where you could have a delicious meal. At the monastery, they sell many products such as homemade wine, honey and jam. Berkovitsa itself is a nice town to visit – with a wide view over the mountains. If you have time left, drive up until Hizha Kom. Have some tea at the mountain hut and enjoy a walk through the beautiful landscape.
Day 4
Time to explore the region east of Sofia. There’s plenty to see! Drive towards Mirkovo, a little, peaceful town at the foot of the Stara Planina mountain range. The town has the second-largest golden dome of Bulgaria on a church, right on the main square. The first-largest dome can be found on the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia. You could have a meal or some drinks at the hotel/restaurant complex St. Ivan Rilski and perhaps enjoy a walk around the town. Then get back to your rental car and drive on towards Chavdar. Many say it’s the prettiest village in Bulgaria. This might count for the village square, which is renovated and indeed looks fine with many rose gardens and ponds, including fountains. As you drive east, you’ll come across many more towns and villages that will be interesting for you to see. If you’d like to return to Sofia, it might be nice to take the road south through Smolsko and Baylovo. You’ll most likely have the road to yourself, just be prepared to make sudden stops in case of animals on the road! You’ll end up at Gorna Malina, where, on a hot summer day, you could swim at the complex Vyatarnite Melnitsi. It means ‘Windmills’. Even though the entrance fee is not to be called cheap – the experience is certainly worth it! You could make a day trip out of just visiting the complex and once you had enough, then visit some villages. Design the trip as you want!
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Klisurski monastery | Kom Monuntain | Complex Windmills |
Day 5
Now let’s go south, the only direction you haven’t gone yet. On the road to Samokov, you’ll pas the Pancharevo lake. Another popular place for city folks to spend their free time. It’s nice to walk around a bit or to enjoy a picnic on the side of the lake. As you continue south, on your left you can’t miss the Iskar reservoir. This is an enormous lake where Sofia gets its tap water from. There’s several small paths leading up to the lakeside, where you can enjoy another stunning scenery. And you’re not even an hour outside of Sofia! Just a bit more south of the Iskar reservoir is the city of Samokov. The city is famous for its delicious potatoes – the best of the country. For that reason, and more, make sure to stop and spend some time in the center. An excellent place to have lunch is the Kokoshkova Kushta (www.clubsamel90.com/index_en.html). They cook wonderfully and have a spacious garden where you can enjoy their specialties. There are plenty of other small restaurants around town, all should serve the local potatoes! As you walk around, you’ll see plenty of architectural treasures in the form of old houses and churches. Many of these were built during the National Revival period in Bulgaria, starting around 1762 up until the liberation from the Ottomans in 1878. Samokov played an important role in the National Revival. The city used to have one of the three woodworking schools in Bulgaria and even nowadays, many examples of fantastic woodwork of masters from Samokov is found all over the Balkan peninsula. Mainly in churches. You’ll notice that there’s some tall mountains close to Samokov, this is the Rila mountain range. There, you’ll find the tallest peak of the Balkans, which is Musala mountain (2.925 metres). You could visit the mountain and ski resort Borovets or opt for a swimming or spa retreat in Separeva Banya.
You will be nothing but impressed by the opportunity to see a lot in just a day – even when spending the night in Sofia! Would you like to get some more information on destinations nearby? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will prepare your rental car so you can enjoy a carefree trip through the surroundings of Sofia. Enjoy!
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by Leon de Leeuw |
Read more fantastic stories about Bulgaria: https://www.leondeleeuw.net/travel-bulgaria
Savoy Rent a Car е една от водещите компании в България, предлагащи услугата "Автомобили под наем". Вече 14 години фирмата предлага на своите клиенти: нови автомобили на ниски цени от всички класове преференциални цени за дългосрочен наем и оперативен лизинг безплатна доставка до летище София и адрес в София доставка на автомобилите до всяка точка на България трансфери с квалифицирани шофьори www.savoyrent.com предлага бърз и лесен начин за онлайн резервация, както и няколко начина на плащане. Независимо от целта на вашето пътуване ние ще осигурим автомобил отговарящ на вашите желания. Savoy Rent a Car Ви предлага и допълнителни отстъпки за лоялни клиенти, както различни партньорски програми: Ако предлагате услуги в сферата на туризма и пътуванията, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши партньори - хотели, туристически агенции и др. получават комисион за всеки предоставен клиент. Като част от програмата можете да предоставите и банер, който да присъства в нашия уебсайт. Ако сте фирма, и често се нуждаете от автомобили под наем, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши корпоративни клиенти получават допълнителни отстъпки и бонуси при наем на автомобил от нас. Ако пътувате често и се нуждаете от автомобили под наем, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Всички наши редовни клиенти получават карта за отстъпка, която могат да използват всеки път, когато наемат автомобил под наем от нас. Ако се нуждаете от кола под наем за дългосрочно ползване, не се колебайте да се свържете с нас. Savoy Rent a Car разполага с голямо разнообразие на автомобили, които може да наемете за голям период от време. При дългосрочни наеми може да се възползвате от нашите преференциални цени.
виж ощеАко ви се налага да вземете автомобил под наем, то в следващите няколко реда, ще ви дадем някой полезни съвети при неговия избор. На първо място, изберете автомобил, който да покрива вашите нужни. Не винаги, най-малкия автомобил, би бил най удачен за вас. Преценете броят на хората, багажа и разстоянието на което ще пътувате! По този начин ще избегнете неприятни моменти свързани с малкия размер на ползвания под наем автомобил. Второ – преценете какво допълнително оборудване би ви било необходимо. Може да се нуждаете от GPS, допълнителен багажник или детско столче. Заявете ги в самото начало, за да знаете колкото точно би ви струвал наема с тях. Трето – искайте крайна цена. Доста често, с чисто маркетингова цел, в обявената цена не са включени допълнителни такси, като такса амортизация, над определени километри. Така за обработка на документите, вземане или оставяне на колата, както и други подобни. Четвърто, проверете състоянието на гумите на колата, броните и стъклата. Тъй като доста често, компаниите за автомобили под наем, имат допълнителни такси при подобни проблеми, то най-добре е преди наемане на автомобила, да проверите дали всички те са в изправност. Проверете състоянието на гумите – дали грайфера е добър, дали нямат повреди по страничния борд, като ожулвания или издутини. Проверете дали по прозорците няма удари от малки камъчета, които в последствие може да се превърнат в процепи. Щетите по прозорците, се поемат от застрахователите, но е възможно да ви създадат проблеми при пътуването. Връщане на автомобила взет под наем – проверете какви са условията за връщане на автомобила. В какъв час трябва да го върнете. Има ли някаква специфика при връщането. Както и задължително проверете дали трябва да върнете автомобила с пълен резервоар! Някой компании имат допълнителна такса, ако не сте върнали автомобила зареден с гориво! Договор – необходимо е да прочетете внимателно всяка точка от договора! Запазете копие от него във вас, дори и след като сте върнали автомобила! Глоби – с подписването на договор за наем на автомобил, вие се ангажирате да заплатите всички глоби, наложени ви от КАТ и/или друг орган. Тъй като е възможно, известието за глоба да бъде изпратено до 2 месеца след нарушението, не се учудвайте, ако получите обаждане от компанията за автомобили под наем, с искане да заплатите задълженията си! След като направите резервация, запазете емайл-а с потвърждение! При проблеми с компанията, той може да ви послужи за предявяване на претенции! И не на последно място – управлявайте наетия автомобил внимателно! Освен, че това ще ви помогне да наемате в последствие, автомобили в добро състояние, ще ви предпази и от глоби и нежелани разходи!
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